Luxury Marketplace Marketing: Tallying To Business And No To Busyness
Luxury Marketplace Marketing: Tallying To Business And No To Busyness
Blog Article
Many luxury real estate marketing professionals confuse their head-shot as being their brand. The majority of real estate print ads are simply a collection of "heads and houses". As a result, what you get is a sea of sameness. When your competitors all use their head-shot as their brand what makes you distinct? This is part 2 of our previous post,Off with Your Head!
Optimizing isn't enough. Someone may be very good at search engine optimization but stink at marketing. What do I mean? Anyone can learn the techniques and strategies to rank themselves online, but without a good presentation, information, a good answer, and an effective call to action, your optimization efforts can be meaningless. For example, if you're a "bozo," (and I'm sure you're not) people will most likely click off your page as quickly as they clicked on.
Part of the exercise of articulating your personal brand is defining what you value the most. Think about some of your favorite real estate in Marbella. things and why they are meaningful to you. This can reveal your personal brand values.
EO: Absolutely. This video is real estate development. going to be the first of two parts. The first part of our discussion is going to be based primarily on the initiative.....what it entails, where the routes are and what-not. The second part, there's obviously a penny sales tax that's involved and some controversy behind the penny tax,.....So what we're going to try to do in the second part, is talk about some of those issues with the penny tax and also the transportation initiative to help explore how much this makes sense for our area. The penny tax is a sales tax, correct?
Among these methods that need investments today is flipping houses. This business is real estate company benalus or service. known in other areas as wholesaling houses. As its name implies, it is selling houses fast. A lot of investors are making money in this venture today and you too can join them. Investing through flipping houses is a great way to start in the industry.
Stop thinking that as an agent you must discount your commission, or pay all the advertising costs for the client just to win the new business. These clients are not the ones you want. In most cases they are the hardest to deal with because their motivation is 'cheap'. Logical decisions are not part of their mindset and negotiations are therefore harder with these clients. More often than not the listing does not sell because the client will not listen to the market trends and choices (they think they know better). Time does invariably take care of these unreasonable clients, with no sale resulting and a distressed property sale or lease later on. You can then move back into the picture to offer your special services.
What may be most surprising to some is perception vs. reality in several price categories for luxury homes. From $500,000 to $600,000 there are less than 5 months of inventory and between $800,000 and $900,000, there is 4.7 months of inventory. While the news makes many feel that sellers of luxury homes will have to wait eons to sell their real estate, the numbers in these price points suggest otherwise.
And the people who develop these e-real estate assets are supported by the income these sites generate and any partial or complete sales of the networks of sites that they build.